In the News

ICI Radio-Canada: Comment rendre Internet abordable à toutes les bourses?

Membre d'ACORN Gisele Bouvier parle avec Boulevard du Pacifique sur l'internet pour tous campagne:

IASK: 3大电信巨头是加拿大毒瘤?上网太贵 苦不堪言

最近,一家加拿大全国性的社会组织 ACORN 公布了其最新的调查结果。该调查显示,家庭互联网服务费过高已经对加拿大的中低收入家庭造成了非常大的负担,不断侵蚀着这些家庭在衣食住行上的各项预算。 

ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)是一家代表加拿大中低收入家庭利益的非盈利组织,全国9个城市中有7万会员。在其最新的问卷调查中,有83.5%的被调查者均称,家庭的互联网服务费“非常贵”。而其中约59%的被调查者则表示,他们不得不为支付互联网服务费而减少自己的日常生活开支。

CHED 630: ACORN's Internet for All campaign on the Ryan Jespersen Show

Listen to ACORN Canada member Pascal Apuwa talk to the Ryan Jespersen Show on CHED 630 about our Internet for All campaign:

CBC Ontario Today: High speed internet: Luxury or Necessity?

Ottawa ACORN member Gisele Bouvier was on CBC's Ontario Today radio call-in show on Tuesday, to discuss ACORN Canada's Internet for All campaign:

CBC News: Toronto considers affordable internet after release of ACORN report

CBC News Toronto featured ACORN Canada's Internet for All report (click here to read the report) in this story about Councillor Mike Layton's call for the City of Toronto to support the CRTC's ruling that major internet providers must share their high speed networks with competitors.